The First 5 Things To Teach Any Puppy!
In this puppy training tutorial, Tom Davis shows you how to properly and easily train your puppy! Puppies explore their world with their noses and mouths. They need to learn to differentiate their hands, [...]
Know What to Look for in Dog Toys
Shopping for pet toys can be overwhelming. With so many choices how do you know what’s right for your pet? Providing your pet with an enriched environment where they can play safely is a [...]
Tracking the Number of Cases of Lyme Disease in Our Area
Current Advice on Parasite Control: Vector-Borne Diseases - Lyme Disease Last reviewed and edited June 2015 Synopsis CAPC Recommends Screening dogs for exposure to Borrelia burgdorferi due to rapid geographic expansion of endemic areas. In areas where [...]
Expanding Hospital Space
Renovations are underway at the hospital and will be completed during summer of 2025. We are open for business with fully functional facilities throughout the construction. Our new expansion will feature more space for [...]
Should I Declaw My Cat?
The American Animal Hospital Association strongly opposes the declawing of domestic cats and supports veterinarians’ efforts to educate cat owners and provide them with effective alternatives. Scratching is a normal feline behavior. Cats scratch to [...]
6 Ways To Keep Your Pet’s Teeth Healthy
Are you concerned about your pet’s dental health? In this video, Dr. Kim from the Pet Circle Vet Squad explains why dental care for cats and dogs is essential and shares 6 simple ways [...]
Antibiotic use & resistance: AVMA’s efforts seen in federal initiatives
A long-awaited federal rule governing how medically important antibiotics can be used in food animals was released today, on the same day that AVMA CEO Dr. Ron DeHaven participated in a White House forum on [...]
Pet Food & Product Recalls/Alerts
When pet foods or animal-related products are recalled, or alerts are issued about safety concerns, you need to know asap. We update our information as soon as we receive notification and can verify that the [...]
Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease is the most common clinical condition in cats and dogs even though it's completely preventable.
Why Does My Pet Do This?
We can't ask our pets questions like "why are you doing that?" Though it would be cool to get a response from them, instead we relate to this video where 'doggy Drifts' talks about [...]
Heartworm Prevention
Did you know that heartworm is one of the most deadly ailments in pets? Did you also know it's almost 100% preventable? Dr. Shelly Rubin tells you all you need to know about heartworms and [...]
What Foods Are Toxic For Dogs?
Please be cautious about what foods you feed your fur babies! Dr. Lindsay provided us with very helpful information on what foods are toxic for dogs.